A podcast course on deep learning and service design


Learning can happen in a wide range of contexts. This project explores the flexibility, opportunities, and limitations of using and audio and mobile first approach to learning.


Our first course will be a MOOC. That means that it is open, free, and not constrained in terms of time. You listen whenever you have the time, energy, and opportunity.


Human-Centered AI, Computational Design – the increased availability of Machine Learning for designing digital user experiences have made the knowledge gap in this area clear. This course explores the merge of Machine Learning and human-centered design.


Exploring new content and format for flexible continuous education for professionals

The traditional full-time on-campus mindset for education is not compatible for continuous life-long learning for professionals in a knowledge society. In this project, we are exploring both new relevant content, as well as a flexible, self-paced format where the podcast platform is the foundation.

A few things we’re exploring

The DAP project is carried out during 2019 with the goal of exploring, building, and evaluating a podcast-based course on Machine Learning and Human-Centered AI. It is financed by VINNOVA as part of their focus on continuous education efforts for people already working professionally that want to develop their skills in parallell with a career. Here are some of the aspects we are working on:


There are situations where the traditional video-based distance education is not optimal. Today, we are increasingly mobile-first, and that small screen is not always the best medium for learning. Sometimes just audio might be a better option. However, most e-learning platforms are defaulting to video lectures and readings. We aim to explore more about how audio-based e-learning works.


There is something about listening in on experts debating your favorite topic. This genre – overhearing dialogue – is not typical in today’s learning environment. Panel debates are uncommon in the typical course environment. In a podcast however, this is a common and suitable style. In this course, we are exploring best-practices of interviews and panel debates for podcast-based courses.


As a busy professional in knowledge-intensive industries, you’re (ironically) in constant lack of time to study and learn. One hypothesis of this project is that by providing podcast-based materials, you would have more opportunities to be more efficient in your learning.


Human-Centered Design (Service Design, UX Design, Interaction Design) has been on the rise for a few decades already, and is getting more and more well-understood. However, recently a new design material in the form of data-driven tech, such as Machine Learning and Data Science has become more mainstream. But how do we integrate the perspectives? That is the content of the course we are developing in this project.


How we work

Part of the project concerns the practical experiences and best-practices regarding how to plan, design, and produce a good podcast experience. We need to address the issue of production skill and cost versus the pedagogical benefits of the medium. Most professors are not media production experts, and should probably spend most of their time on the subject and the pedagogy. So how can we help speeding up the practical production of podcast-based courses?


What are the requirements of the podcast studio? What equipment and facilities are enough?


What do we need to think about in terms of content and format when producing learning materials based on audio, and the pdocast ecosystem?


What tools are good for editing? What pre- and post-production steps are needed, and where do we need to put the most effort?


How can we approach the evaluation of learning effects? How do we measure success for a podcast-based course?

Start listening!

Our Team

This is the core team at Halmstad University. Other project partners include: inUse Academy, RISE, and Digital Reliance.

Pontus Wärnestål

Project Leader, Service Designer and Researcher

Stefan Byttner

AI Researcher

Cristoffer Englund

AI Researcher

Jeanette Sjöberg

Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy

Latest News

During the project, we will try to share some of the learnings and findings here.

Kurs lanserad

Podden Digitalsamtal lyfter DAP-projektet i avsnitt 202:

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As we’re approaching the conclusion of the course (at the time of writing we have two episodes left to record), we’re also thinking about evaluation of this VINNOVA-project. We will[…]

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Sound quality…

This has been a learning curve for us. The first episodes that we recorded turned out to be very low in terms of sound volume unfortunately. Today we sat down[…]

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